Quick & Easy Hostess Gifts


Holiday Parties are in Full Swing! Don’t forget to grab a hostess gift (or whip one up!)  Here are a few last minute “spiffed up” ideas, for the procrastinator in us all:


Whisk (pickup the supplies from Dollar Tree)–quick, fast & inexpensive!–This tutorial even has a free printable From View From the ‘Ville

What a cute presentation for the culinary hostess! From:

What a cute presentation for the culinary hostess! From: Party Frosting

Wine or Champagne is always a classic hostess gift.  Here are two FAST ways to jazz it up a bit.  Other quick “go-to” ideas are candles, baked goods (cookies, breads, etc), yummy smelling soaps, nice bath products or a neat kitchen gadget.  Whatever your holiday plans have in store this year, I hope this gave you a quick idea to “spice it up” (easily). Enjoy your holiday parties with friends!  We are having our company Christmas party tonight and I can’t wait! 🙂 Merry Christmas, ya’ll! Continue reading

An Open Letter to Santa: The Rules of Christmas



Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas! I hope this letter finds you well and that you have had a spectacular year. I’m sure you have been diligently getting ready for your busy season. The amount of homes you visit every year to bring joy to children is nothing short of amazing! With that being said, I just want to lay out a few ground rules for your visit this year, so that we are all still merry when Christmas is over.

Rule #1 – Please use the front door. You see, we have been lighting many fires this year and we will probably curl up next to the fire on Christmas Eve. I would hate for you to land on our hearth in flames. Also, the soot that it carries down with you would be avoided if you used the front door.

Rule #2 – Since you are traveling all over the world in a single night in the same pair of boots, let’s just get rid of the boots as soon as you come in the house. I would hate to have to vacuum up Jamaican beach sand or East Texas red dirt on Christmas morning. Continue reading

Cheap & Free Holiday Decorating with East Tx Plants!

holiday decorating your east tx house


So, I have been pulling out and dusting off my holiday decorations and I was just kind of uninspired by the same decorations that I put up year after year.  I wanted a new “look” and to give an update to some of the decorations that are a bit tired.  So, I started thinking about the basics.  I want something green and lively and less “plastic-y.”  Then, it hit me.  We are lucky that we live in East Texas. Why? Well, that is a very long-winded novel full of reasons that I will save for another day! One of them, however, is that there are FREE Christmas decorations everywhere! Whoohoo! I don’t know about you, but free is my kind of price!

Christmas decorations are typically composed of evergreen foliage, pine cones and berries.  Well aren’t we East Texans in luck! Take a look around you, because we have it all, everywhere you look! Continue reading

December Events in Palestine, TX

DECEMBER events in palestine, txDecember Events in Palestine, Texas (and a few in surrounding areas)

I wanted to have a list of all the cool stuff going on in our community this month, so figured I’d share it! Lots of great stuff going on! Have a great holiday season and I hope you get a chance to do a bunch of things on this list: Continue reading

4th of July Pet Safety

It’s that time of year again…burgers on the grill, beers on ice and fireworks in the back of the truck.  But don’t forget about your furry little friends during the festivities!


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